Allocating Financial Resources to Catalyze Groundbreaking Technological Innovations through the EIC Accelerator Program

Understanding the European Innovation Council Accelerator: A Comprehensive Overview of Its Purpose, Features, and Opportunities for Visionary Entrepreneurs The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator represents a pivotal component of Horizon Europe’s comprehensive suite of funding initiatives, meticulously designed to underpin cutting-edge companies that are at the forefront of exploiting radical technological advances or path-breaking scientific insights, collectively known as Deep Technology (DeepTech). With a financial framework that encompasses up to €2.5 million in the form of non-dilutive Grant funding and the potential for up to €15 million in Equity investment per individual project, the EIC Accelerator orchestrates a robust mechanism for propelling high-risk, high-impact innovations from concept to market realization. This strategic infusion of capital aims to catalyze the growth trajectories of start-ups and SMEs as they navigate the challenging phases of product development, scale-up, and market deployment. Comprehensive Overview of Targeted Technologies Eligible for Funding through the EIC Accelerator Program Since its inception in 2021, the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator program has supported over 400 pioneering enterprises, spanning a diverse spectrum of sectors. This includes ventures engaged in the development of capital-intensive hardware solutions as well as those focused exclusively on the innovation and deployment of sophisticated software products, with a particular emphasis on Deep Technology (DeepTech) domains. The EIC Accelerator maintains an open stance towards a wide array of technological advancements and does not impose overarching technological constraints on its applicants. However, to remain consistent with EU directives, technologies with potential military applications are exempt from consideration. In addition to this broad scope for innovation, the EIC Accelerator program identifies and promotes a set of Technology Challenges on an annual basis. These challenges are designed to spotlight and incentivize progress in specific technological areas that are deemed strategically important and have high potential for societal impact within the European Union. Assessing the Maturity Level Required for a Technology to Qualify for the EIC Accelerator Program The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator program specifically targets innovations that have achieved a minimum of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5, a stage characterized by the validation of the technology within an environment that closely mirrors real-world conditions. At this level, the innovation is expected to have progressed beyond theoretical stages, embodying a tangible prototype or a demonstrable proof-of-concept that substantiates its efficacy and potential. Applicants seeking financial support from the EIC Accelerator can apply for Grant funding if their technology has advanced to TRL 6 or TRL 7. At TRL 6, the technology must have been demonstrated in a relevant environment, showcasing its ability to function under conditions similar to its intended use. Further progression to TRL 7 indicates that the prototype has undergone system prototype demonstration in an operational environment, offering a more comprehensive validation of its performance and suitability. For technologies that have reached TRL 8, where the actual system has been completed and qualified through test and demonstration, the EIC Accelerator offers the opportunity to apply for pure Equity investment. This funding option is designed to support the final stages of technology development and scaling, facilitating the transition from an innovative concept to a market-ready product or solution. Exploring the Range of Financial Support Offered Through the EIC Accelerator Program The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator provides robust financial support tailored to the needs of companies poised for growth and market expansion. Qualified enterprises can access substantial funding through three distinct instruments: 1. Grant Financing: The EIC Accelerator offers non-dilutive grant funding of up to €2.5 million, allotted as a lump sum to support activities such as proof of concept, prototyping, system development, piloting, validation, and testing in real-world environments, as well as market replication. 2. Equity Financing: For ventures seeking a more substantial funding mechanism, the EIC Accelerator may provide equity investments reaching up to €15 million. This equity component is facilitated through the EIC Fund or its affiliates and involves a calculated exchange of capital for a strategic ownership stake in the applicant’s company. This allows for a more substantial financial backing, enabling scaling and significant growth without the need to repay the investment like a traditional loan. 3. Blended Finance: Companies that require a synergy of grant and equity backing can benefit from Blended Finance, featuring a combination of both types of funding, up to an aggregate ceiling of €17.5 million. This hybrid financing model is structured to leverage the advantages of grant funding together with the sizable capital infusion that equity financing offers, thus providing a comprehensive financial package. Applicants possess the flexibility to determine the financing model that most aptly aligns with their strategic goals and the scale of their innovation project. They can tailor their request to include the desired funding type (grant, equity, or blended finance) and specify the amount that reflects their needs. Moreover, in circumstances where the scope and ambition of the innovation project justify a larger investment, the EIC Accelerator is open to considering requests that exceed the standard funding ceilings. These exceptional cases are evaluated on their individual merit, ensuring that the most groundbreaking and disruptive companies have access to the capital required to reach their full market potential. Detailed Overview of EIC Accelerator Applicant’s Business and Innovation Background Eligibility Criteria and Types of Entities That Qualify for EIC Accelerator Funding Entities seeking funding through the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator program must primarily be for-profit Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) that are legally incorporated within a member state or associated country that is deemed eligible for participation. However, the framework also accommodates applications from individual entrepreneurs and investors, with the stipulation that a qualifying company must be established prior to the formal execution of the Grant Agreement Contract. To qualify as an SME under the EIC Accelerator’s guidelines, the enterprise must be autonomous, not linked to or partnered with larger firms that fall outside the SME categorization. The SME should have a workforce of fewer than 250 persons, and it must exhibit either an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million or a balance sheet total … Read more

Financing Pioneering Breakthroughs through the EIC Accelerator

An Overview of the European Innovation Council Accelerator Programme The EIC Accelerator, an esteemed funding initiative under the auspices of the European Innovation Council (EIC) and integral to the Horizon Europe framework, is dedicated to providing substantial financial support to pioneering enterprises. This program focuses on organizations that are at the forefront of advancing technological innovations or harnessing the potential of scientific breakthroughs within the realm of Deep Technology (DeepTech). Eligible projects may receive up to €2.5 million in the form of grants, complemented by the option of equity financing up to €15 million, fostering the growth and scalability of groundbreaking ventures. Overview of Funded Technologies under the EIC Accelerator Program Since its inception in 2021, the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator has supported a diverse array of over 400 enterprises, spanning a multitude of sectors. These beneficiaries include ventures engaging in capital-intensive hardware operations as well as those dedicated to purely software-driven initiatives, with a strong emphasis on Deep Technology innovations. The EIC Accelerator maintains a broad technological scope with no overarching restrictions, provided that the proposed technologies adhere to European Union directives and do not support military applications or related fields. Furthermore, the EIC Accelerator underscores its commitment to advancing pioneering technologies by emphasizing specific Technology Challenges annually, thereby spotlighting areas of strategic interest and potential growth within the innovation ecosystem. Assessing the Technological Readiness Level for EIC Accelerator Eligibility The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator provides financial support for the advancement of technologies that have attained a minimum of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5, which is characterized by the validation of the technology within a pertinent operational environment. To qualify for funding, applicants are typically expected to have developed a prototype or established a proof-of-concept that substantiates the technology’s efficacy. Additionally, entities whose technologies have progressed to TRL 6 or 7 may seek grant funding to further their development. For technologies that have advanced to TRL 8, the EIC Accelerator may offer pure equity investment options to facilitate their market entry and scale-up. Overview of Available Funding Streams through the EIC Accelerator The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator provides financial support to enterprises via three distinct funding mechanisms: Grants of up to €2.5 million, which are non-dilutive and disbursed as lump sum payments; Equity investments of up to €15 million made by the EIC Fund or its affiliates in return for shares within the company; and Blended Finance, which amalgamates both Grant and Equity financing up to a maximum of €17.5 million. Prospective applicants have the discretion to select their preferred funding type and the corresponding amount that aligns with their business requirements. Under extraordinary circumstances, applicants may be considered for funding allocations that exceed the standard thresholds. Profile of the Applicant for the EIC Accelerator Programme Eligibility Criteria for EIC Accelerator Funding Recipients Eligible entities for the EIC Accelerator include for-profit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are duly registered within a qualifying country. Furthermore, individuals or investors may also submit applications under the premise that they establish a company prior to the execution of the Grant Agreement Contract. To qualify, these companies must adhere to the SME definition of the European Union, which includes maintaining a workforce of fewer than 250 persons and either an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million or an annual balance sheet total not surpassing €43 million, thereby ensuring the independent nature of the business entity. Eligibility Criteria: Participating EU Member States for the EIC Accelerator The EIC Accelerator programme extends its eligibility to entities and entrepreneurs across the entire European Union, encompassing all 27 member states, which include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden, as well as their affiliated territories. This comprehensive accessibility ensures equitable opportunities for innovation and enterprise development throughout the Union. Eligibility Criteria for Non-EU Country Participation in the EIC Accelerator Program The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator confirms the existence of association agreements with Horizon Europe that enable entities and individuals from an established set of third countries to participate in the program. Eligible applicants from the following associated countries may seek funding: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo*, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Morocco, and the United Kingdom (which is eligible for grant-only participation). * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. Determining Suitability for the EIC Accelerator Programme: Is It the Right Fit for Your Enterprise? Analysis of the EIC Accelerator’s Success Metrics and Approval Ratios The EIC Accelerator ensures transparency and fairness in its evaluation processes; however, precise success rates for each of the three distinct evaluation stages are not routinely published. Nonetheless, it is estimated that the cumulative success rate for projects advancing from Step 1 through Step 3 is at or below the 5% threshold. It is important to note that this rate is subject to fluctuation, influenced by factors such as the EIC Accelerator’s annual budget allocations, the volume of submissions per designated cut-off date, and the specific nature of the Call—whether it is an Open or Challenges call. Consequently, applicants may experience variable success rates in line with these parameters. Assessing Your Company’s Eligibility for the EIC Accelerator Program The EIC Accelerator prioritizes the endorsement of ventures that are at the forefront of innovation, characterized by disruptive technological advancements with a profound DeepTech foundation, or those of a significant scientific or technical nature. The EIC Accelerator’s mandate is to champion high-risk, high-potential enterprises that exhibit a clear strategy for market deployment. Historically, the EIC Accelerator has provided financial support to a diverse array of scientific breakthroughs, as well as software enterprises, Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms, and even robustly capitalized firms with comparatively lower risk trajectories. Eligibility and Assessment Criteria … Read more

Leveraging Training Courses as an Alternative to Consultancy in Grant Applications

Introduction A common concern among past applicants of grant programs like the EIC Accelerator is the reliance on consultancies, which often require applicants to contribute significantly to their own application writing. This has led to a growing interest in alternative approaches, such as utilizing training courses offered by platforms like Rasph ( This article explores the advantages of choosing training courses over traditional consultancy services for grant applications. The Consultancy Dilemma High Dependence on Applicant Input: Many consultancies require substantial input from applicants, often leading them to write large portions of the application themselves. This can negate the perceived benefit of hiring a consultant, especially for startups and SMEs with limited resources. Cost vs. Value: The cost of consultancy services can be substantial, and when applicants end up doing much of the work themselves, the value for money comes into question. Limited Capacity Building: Relying heavily on consultants can prevent applicants from developing their own skills and understanding of the grant application process, limiting their capacity for future applications. Training Courses: A Viable Alternative Empowerment through Education: Training courses, like those offered on Rasph, empower applicants by providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the grant application process independently. Cost-Effective Learning: Typically, training courses are more cost-effective compared to hiring consultants. They provide a one-time investment in learning that can be applied to multiple applications. Building In-House Expertise: By participating in training courses, startups and SMEs can build their internal expertise. This investment in learning enhances their ability to handle future grant applications without external reliance. Updated and Relevant Content: Platforms like Rasph often ensure their courses are up-to-date with the latest trends, policies, and requirements of grant programs, providing learners with current and applicable knowledge. Networking Opportunities: Training courses can also offer networking opportunities with other applicants and experts, fostering a community of shared learning and support. Considerations for Choosing Training Over Consultancy Time and Effort Required: Applicants must be willing to invest time and effort into learning and applying the knowledge gained from training courses. Initial Learning Curve: There may be a steeper initial learning curve compared to relying on a consultancy, but this investment pays off in the long term. Balancing Training with Business Operations: Applicants must balance the time spent on training with other business operations, ensuring neither is neglected. Conclusion For many applicants of grant programs, the reliance on consultancies has been a double-edged sword, often leading them to undertake much of the application writing themselves. Training courses, such as those offered on Rasph, present a valuable alternative, empowering applicants with the knowledge and skills to independently navigate the grant application process. While this approach requires a commitment of time and effort, the long-term benefits of cost-effectiveness and capacity building make it a compelling choice for startups and SMEs.

Navigating the Maze: The Rise of the Consultancy Ecosystem in the Grant Industry

Introduction The grant industry, particularly for programs like the EIC Accelerator, is characterized by its complexity and uncertainty. These factors have given rise to a substantial consultancy ecosystem, designed to bridge the gap between grant agencies and applicants. This article explores how this ecosystem operates and its significance for startups and SMEs navigating the grant application process. The Complexity and Uncertainty of the Grant Industry Intricate Application Requirements: Grant applications often involve complex forms, detailed project descriptions, financial plans, and evidence of innovation and market potential. Understanding and meeting these requirements can be daunting for many applicants. Changing Policies and Criteria: Grant agencies frequently update their policies and evaluation criteria. Keeping up with these changes requires continuous monitoring and adaptability. High Competition and Low Success Rates: The competitive nature of grant programs, coupled with relatively low success rates, adds to the uncertainty. Applicants often face stiff competition from numerous other innovative projects. The Role of Consultancies in Bridging the Gap Expert Guidance: Consultancies offer expertise in navigating the complex landscape of grant applications. They are well-versed in the latest requirements and trends, providing valuable insights to applicants. Customized Application Assistance: Consultants work closely with startups and SMEs to tailor their applications to meet specific grant program criteria. This customization increases the chances of application success. Time and Resource Management: By handling the intricate details of the application process, consultancies save valuable time and resources for companies, allowing them to focus on their core business activities. Risk Mitigation: Professional consultants help in identifying potential pitfalls in applications and advise on risk mitigation strategies, thereby enhancing the quality and competitiveness of the proposals. Networking and Insider Knowledge: Consultancies often have networks and insider knowledge that can be beneficial. This includes understanding evaluator preferences and the subtleties of the review process. Challenges and Considerations Cost Factor: Hiring consultants can be costly, which might be a significant consideration for startups and SMEs with limited budgets. Dependency Risk: There is a risk of becoming overly dependent on consultants, which might affect the long-term capability of the company to handle grant applications independently. Quality Variance: The quality and effectiveness of consultancy services can vary widely, making the selection of a reliable consultant crucial. Conclusion The complexity and uncertainty of the grant industry have indeed fostered a large consultancy ecosystem, serving as a crucial intermediary between grant agencies and applicants. While consultancies can significantly ease the application process, startups and SMEs should weigh the costs and benefits carefully, ensuring they choose quality advisors while also building their own capacity to navigate the grant landscape.

The Essential Role of Consultancies in Leveling the Playing Field for DeepTech Companies in EIC Applications

Introduction The European Innovation Council (EIC) operates in a landscape where the intricacies of grant applications can be daunting, especially for DeepTech companies. The presence of a robust consulting ecosystem is not just beneficial but essential in this context. It plays a critical role in leveling the playing field, ensuring that companies with groundbreaking technologies but limited experience in proposal writing can compete effectively with more marketing-savvy or non-deep tech firms. The EIC Consulting Ecosystem: A Necessary Equalizer Complexity of Grant Applications: The EIC’s application process, especially for programs like the EIC Accelerator, is intricate and demanding. It requires a blend of technical detail, market analysis, and strategic planning, often overwhelming for DeepTech companies focused on research and development. Advantage for Marketing-Savvy Companies: Companies with strong marketing teams or non-deep tech firms often have an edge in crafting compelling proposals. They can effectively communicate their ideas and business potential, a skill that DeepTech innovators may lack. Challenges for DeepTech Companies: Many DeepTech companies excel in technological innovation but may not have the expertise or resources to articulate their ideas in a grant-friendly format. This disparity puts them at a disadvantage in the highly competitive grant application arena. How Consultancies Bridge the Gap Expert Proposal Preparation: Consultancies specialize in translating complex technical innovations into clear, compelling proposals. They understand how to present a DeepTech project in a way that aligns with the EIC’s criteria. Leveling the Playing Field: By providing expert assistance, consultancies ensure that DeepTech companies can compete on an equal footing with firms that have more experience in proposal writing or marketing. Focused on Core Strengths: With consultancies taking on the burden of proposal preparation, DeepTech companies can focus on their core strength – technological innovation. This partnership allows for a more efficient allocation of resources. Enhancing Overall Quality of Proposals: Consultancies contribute to the overall quality of proposals submitted to the EIC, ensuring that the best ideas, regardless of the company’s background, get a fair chance at funding. Considerations for DeepTech Companies Choosing the Right Consultant: It’s crucial for DeepTech companies to select consultancies with experience in their specific field to ensure the nuances of their technology are accurately represented. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weighing the cost of consultancy services against the potential benefits, including higher chances of success, is essential. Collaborative Approach: A collaborative approach between the company and the consultancy can yield the best results, combining technical expertise with professional proposal writing skills. Conclusion In the competitive world of EIC grant applications, the consulting ecosystem plays a pivotal role in democratizing access to funding. It empowers DeepTech companies, often lacking in proposal writing expertise, to present their groundbreaking innovations effectively. This ecosystem levels the playing field, ensuring that the merit of the technological innovation, rather than the prowess in proposal writing, determines the success of an application. By collaborating with skilled consultants, DeepTech companies can enhance their chances of securing EIC funding, enabling them to focus on their core technological advancements while ensuring their groundbreaking ideas are communicated effectively in their grant proposals.

The EIC Accelerator’s Ecosystem: A Consultancy-Focused Framework

Consultancy Dominance in the EIC Accelerator Process The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator program, designed to support innovative startups and SMEs, appears to have inadvertently fostered an ecosystem where consultancies play a more central role than the applicants themselves. This situation arises from a combination of the program’s complexity and the EIC’s communication strategies. Complexity and Obscurity Leading to Consultancy Reliance: Over 70% of survey respondents indicated that they hired a consultant to prepare their EIC Accelerator application. This high percentage reflects the program’s complexity and obscure nature, which can be overwhelming for many applicants. The official EIC communications, often focused on promotional materials, leave prospective applicants with more questions than answers, leading them to seek external expert assistance​​. EIC’s Communication Challenges: The EIC has struggled to communicate effectively what the Accelerator seeks and what applicants should expect. This difficulty is likely a result of the public institution’s tendency to prioritize political agendas and communications over pragmatic advice. There is a dichotomy in the EIC’s messaging: promoting funding for disruptive innovations while simultaneously favoring low-risk investments. This conflicting communication increases the reliance on National Contact Points (NCPs) and consultancies for clearer guidance​​. The Impact on Applicants The current ecosystem puts individual applicants at a disadvantage, especially those without the resources to hire consultants. This reliance on consultancies can lead to a skewed understanding of the application process, with many applicants overestimating their chances based on the EIC’s guidelines. It also creates a barrier for those who cannot afford consultancy fees, potentially sidelining innovative projects that lack the means for professional guidance. Recommendations for a More Balanced Approach Enhanced Transparency and Direct Communication: The EIC could improve its direct communication with potential applicants, providing clear, pragmatic advice and realistic expectations about the application process. Accessible Resources for All Applicants: Developing resources and tools that demystify the application process could help reduce the over-reliance on consultancies. This could include detailed guidelines, examples of successful applications, and comprehensive feedback on rejected applications. Greater Support for Independent Applicants: The EIC might consider establishing support mechanisms for applicants who choose to navigate the process independently. This support could take the form of workshops, webinars, or direct consultation sessions. Conclusion While consultancies play a vital role in guiding applicants through the EIC Accelerator’s complex process, the current ecosystem seems to favor those who can afford such services. A more balanced approach, with enhanced direct communication and support from the EIC, could level the playing field, ensuring that all innovative ideas, regardless of their resource backing, have a fair chance at success.

On Hiring a Consultant or Grant Writer for the 2021 EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument)

The EIC Accelerator blended financing (formerly SME Instrument Phase 2, grant and equity) has introduced a new stage to the application process in 2021 which acts as a mini-proposal termed Step 1 (read: Re-Inventing the EIC Accelerator). It includes materials such as a written grant application, a video pitch and a pitch deck which must be submitted to the European Innovation Councils (EIC) AI platform (read: AI Tool Review). With this change, the EIC Accelerator now has three Steps that must be passed, namely Step 1 (short application), Step 2 (full application) and Step 3 (face-to-face interview) (read: Recommendations for the EICA) but many startups and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) are unsure what these Steps mean and what deadlines and timelines are associated with them. As a short guide, applicants can refer to the following notes: Step 1 is a short application that can be prepared in less than 30 days and can be submitted any time without a fixed deadline (read: Pitch Video Workflow) Step 2 is a very long application that can only be submitted if (i) Step 1 has been approved and (ii) the EIC has published a fixed deadline. In 2021, there were two cut-offs, namely June and October. The minimum time to prepare the Step 2 application should be 60 days but more is recommended. Step 3 is a face-to-face interview that uses the pitch deck submitted in Step 2. It is only available to projects that have been approved in Step 2 and the dates for this Step are fixed to be right after the Step 2 evaluations are released (i.e. the pitch week). The preparation for this Step can be performed in 14 days. What to Develop Alone and What to Outsource There is no general rule as to when a consultant or professional writer should be hired or if one is needed at all. The official proposal templates, work program and guidelines (i.e. for the EIC fund and the AI tool) are publically available which means that every company is technically able to apply on their own. Considerations must be made regarding the resources available and the timing of the grant writing. For Step 1, the effort is comparatively small: Benefits of Developing Step 1 In-House Step 1 requires comparatively little time-effort Step 1 is relatively easy to develop No money is wasted in case the project is not suitable for the EIC Accelerator (i.e. some consultancies will onboard low-success cases) Full control over the outcome Benefits of Hiring a Consultant A consultant can shape the project and make it more impactful as well as avoid red flags Being part of Step 1 will simplify the Step 2 process Optimize the automated scoring on the AI platform based on experience Time savings Close contact with the EIC to be prepared for unexpected changes Consultants will re-submit a proposal if rejected while a rejected project will have a difficult time hiring a consultant The downsides of each approach are the reverse of each other meaning that what is a benefit of hiring a consultant will be the downside of preparing an application alone. For Step 2, the comparison would be as follows: Note: The comparison for Step 2 assumes that applicants have successfully applied for Step 1 by themselves and are considering hiring a Step 2 partner. Benefits of Developing Step 2 In-House Cost savings Full control over the outcome Benefits of Hiring a Consultant A consultant can shape the project and make it more impactful as well as avoid red flags Organizing the project development and collaboration between the management team to meet the deadline Time savings Close contact with the EIC to be prepared for unexpected changes There are a variety of considerations to be made alongside the general tradeoffs of hiring a consultancy listed above. One of these is the way companies assess their own capabilities and the way they judge their performed effort. It is not uncommon for a consultant to be contacted by a client who wants to apply to Step 1 by themselves while casually mentioning that they have scored B or C in all AI tool segments even though the project is highly qualified for the EIC Accelerator. Just because Step 1 is relatively easy to prepare does not mean that it is a low hanging fruit. One must place significant effort into the preparation of the application regardless of its simplicity. Yes, the EIC wants to make it easy for applicants to apply and wants to avoid them wasting their time on a long application if there is no chance for them to succeed. But this does not mean that evaluators will get a project with minimal input or read between the lines. Companies that are very busy often think that preparing a quick application will be good enough but this does not apply to EIC grants. A company should be prepared to go the extra mile with the application and fill out every section with a maximum amount of attention and effort. Conclusion The best way to answer the question as to when a consultant should be hired would be to first decide if an in-house proposal preparation is an option at all (i.e. time availability, skilled staff). Secondly, the company should talk to consultancies to identify if the project has appropriate chances for success (i.e. multiple opinions are recommended since some consultancies are not selective enough). Thirdly, the company must weigh the tradeoffs of in-house proposal writing which are the intense time requirements, especially for Step 2, but also the workload on the management team which might be better-advised focusing on business-relevant tasks instead of writing.

A New Approach to Developing EIC Accelerator Projects under Horizon Europe (SME Instrument)

The EIC Accelerator blended financing (formerly SME Instrument Phase 2, grant and equity) can be viewed as an entirely new funding program under Horizon Europe (2021-2027). It has not only changed its grant proposal submission process but also its evaluation which will likely see significant changes in the types of companies selected as beneficiaries (read: Re-Inventing the EIC Accelerator). This article aims to contrast the previous workflow of professional grant writers and consultants with this newest iteration of the European Innovation Councils (EIC) startup and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) funding arm (read: AI Tool Review). Since innovation is on the minds of both writers and evaluators at all times, making necessary changes and adapting to a new and unpredictable environment comes as second nature. As such, even large consultancies have already adapted their workflow and have started to change their internal processes to retain efficiency and quality. How Grant Proposal Writing Looked Like In 2020 In 2020 and the years under Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), the process of writing EIC Accelerator (or then SME Instrument) applications was rather straightforward. The collaboration would begin with a Kick-Off Meeting (KOM), the transfer of relevant files and then the writers would get to work – mostly autonomously. Due to the limited space available and the lack of depth regarding the technology, there was little reason to have excessive input from the company themselves since the proposal focused on a short, narrative description over technical segmentations. In 2021, this approach has changed since the application itself is structured differently. This article aims to highlight how the old way of proposal writing is now replaced by a more modern and nuanced approach that requires more collaboration, depth and sophistication. Why The Old Approach Stopped Working 1. Text Requirements and Length The 2020’s EIC Accelerator proposal was relatively long with 30 pages as the main document but the 2021 version has increased that number tremendously. This is due to the abundant text boxes of mostly 1,000 characters that must be filled throughout the application while some segments also amount to 5,000 characters, 10,000 or unlimited spaces. As such, descriptions are much more detailed and must often be developed for the proposal itself since companies do not always use certain types of segmentations. Examples are the features and use-cases, Technology Readiness Level (TRL) milestones, Total Available Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) or the Technology Adoption Life-Cycle (TALC). 2. Technical Detail & Depth Many sections in 2020 were rather surface-level and writers often struggled to allocate more than 1 DINA4 page for the technology description, including images, due to the strict limitations. With the new features and use cases model, one can easily set up 10 features with 7,000 characters each, yielding 70,000 characters for the technology description alone. Considering the need to describe the Freedom to Operate (FTO), the currently existing knowledge, bottlenecks and the added value for each feature, it is evident that there is an unprecedented level of depth that is required. Assuming 140 words per 1,000 characters and 750 words making up a block of text on a DINA4 page (using the 2020’s EIC Accelerator margins without images), this would yield 13 DINA4 pages of pure text for the features alone. Comparing this to the previous single page which had to include images, the change is quite drastic and the 13 pages would not even cover the entire description of the solution since it must be described elsewhere as well. This level of depth is impossible to fill without strong collaborations with the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and sufficient research. Considering that all sections that are covering the market, financials, commercial strategy and others have likewise increased in size, it is clear that the 2021 EIC Accelerator proposal has easily quadrupled in size compared to 2020. 3. More Scrutiny Towards Commercial Strategies Commercial strategies and market analyses were usually quite limited due to the page restrictions of the 2020’s EIC Accelerator. With the now bloated Step 2 process, this has changed significantly. The market sections and especially the TALC require a detailed breakdown of how customers will be reached with specific market penetration expectations. As such, the strategy will require plans that exceed simplified notions like: We want to start in the European Union (EU) and then go global We have local distributors who can help us We expect to reach 100 customers in 3 years We will develop a customer network The new template asks the applying startups and SME’s to define each penetration segment and even to give cash flows (operating, investing and financing) for each, including a timeline and Profit and Loss (P&L). Especially the P&L, even though the new spreadsheet is now simplified, will need an additional breakdown to account for the figures given in the TALC which can span 10+ years into the future while the P&L usually only views 5 years. 4. Other Sections Outside of the Go2Market and the technical parts, there are a variety of figures and considerations that need more input from applicants since they were more surface-level in 2020. Especially the risk section, the investment needs and the competitors (i.e. pains and gains) require strong input from the companies management team. How To Structure Project Development in 2021 As a result, the previous hands-off approach of outsourcing proposal writing to a consultant is impossible but it is replaced by a more collaborative approach where the company must be actively engaged in discussing the needed input and be brought in for the structuring of the entire application. The greatest change in 2021 is the collaboration between consultants (or professional writers) and clients. Instead of drafting a business plan autonomously, the consultants have to bring their clients into the process and, since the management team of a scale-up is usually quite busy, display excellent project management throughout the process. These changes are still quite new but major improvements over the old methods could be: Multiple Kick-Off Calls for Dedicated Sections … Read more

The Profile of a Company That Should Not Apply for the EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument)

The EIC Accelerator blended financing (formerly SME Instrument Phase 2, grant and equity) is a highly competitive but also highly popular grant and equity financing scheme by the European Innovation Council (EIC). Many startups and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) in the EU but also in associated countries such as Israel or Norway are interested in applying to the funds but many would be better off seeking out other options. While grant consultancies and professional writers all have different approaches to the selection of suitable EIC Accelerator applicants, there are some common themes that are shared among success-oriented grant consultants. Since the official grant proposal template for the EIC Accelerator does not clarify such nuanced points in-depth, the following article aims to give an overview of the types of companies that should not apply. For any startup or scaleup that is recognising themselves in any of the points listed below, it would be advisable to refrain from hiring a writer or consultant since time and resources can be better spent elsewhere. Note: The EIC does not primarily select great companies, it primarily selects companies that fit a certain mould. Having low chances for success under the EIC does not mean that the company or project are bad. The EIC would have never financed social networks like Facebook or Twitter and even industry-specific unicorn companies like Epic Games or Instacart. Yet, these are all success cases on a level the EIC dreams of. The list below is designed to highlight the first impression that consultants and grant writers often face when a client first comes into contact. Since the demand for grant writers is generally very high, this first impression will likely define how interested the consultancy is in a particular project. How do they present their company or technology? Why do they need EIC Accelerator support? What needs to be financed? 1. An Inquiry Uses a Gmail or Similar Domain Address While this is not a strong red flag – it suggests that the company or project is not fully formed yet. Buying a domain and creating a private email account usually precedes even the company registration since it is so simple (and cheap). If an inquiry lacks a private domain then this is usually a sign that a project is in the idea stage. Very few founders would contact investors or customers with a Gmail address which means that any inquiry from such an address is a tell for an ineligible project. Since 2021, the EIC Accelerator also funds non-incorporated natural persons but, due to the competitiveness of the grant, this does not mean that a single person without backing, traction or support networks will be able to be successful. Every inquiry that comes from a domain that is not privately hosted and is not attached to a Corporate Identity (CI) will likely be ignored by selective consultancies. 2. The Prospect EIC Accelerator Applicant is in the Idea Stage The new EIC’s AI platform aims to display the journey from Ideation towards Go-to-Market but that does not mean that a natural person can be successful with a pure idea. The Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) clearly outline the stage a technology has to be in with TRL5 being the minimum for the EIC Accelerator and lower TRL’s only being possible in EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition programs. The current diagnostics and ideation parts of the EIC Accelerator application are misleading since they can give the impression that projects can still be in the idea stage and is then transformed into a commercial product once Step 3 is reached but this is not the case. The applicant’s project will not make significant changes from Step 1 to 3 – the only thing that will change is the amount and depth of data that is provided to the EIC for evaluation purposes. The EIC Accelerator, also a misleading name, is not a traditional accelerator that aims to help startups succeed by helping with product development, investor relationships or customer contact. The primary resource, outside of limited coaching, will be financial which means that the applicants need a business plan, the right commerial strategy and must have all it takes to implement the project. The EIC will not hold the beneficiaries hands albeit they will aim to create networking opportunities if it matches current political agendas such as the Green Deal, COVID-19 relief or similar trends. Having an idea and reaching out to a consultant with a half-formed business plan will likely be insufficient and be ignored by most selective writers. 3. The Company has no Website or Social Presence It is understandable that many companies are in stealth mode especially when it comes to DeepTech products in the area of biotechnology or pharmaceuticals where large competitors spend billions on R&D and could copy a technology quickly – patented or not. Still, even if a company has no interest in marketing itself or in publicising its technology, every company that has sufficient seed funding and the degree of traction needed to succeed in the EIC Accelerator should have a website and a LinkedIn page at the very least. There can be exceptions but no presence at all often means that founders view this project as a side business or are not invested in its success. One additional exception to this is a newly formed company that is a University spin-off or subsidiary of another company. In the latter case, the prospective applicant can usually provide a website link for the parent company while, in the former case, they could be too early stage for the EIC Accelerator but can be eligible for the EIC Pathfinder. 4. Based on Research that is not Theirs (a University Non-Spin-Off) What can often be encountered is a company that is basing its technology on University research that is not theirs but also does not exist in the market yet. This, in and of itself, does not mean that it is ineligible for the EIC Accelerator but … Read more

Rasph - EIC Accelerator Consulting