EIC Accelerator Resubmissions: The Good, The Bad and The Randomness

Navigating the EIC Accelerator: Understanding the “3 Strikes, You’re Out” Rule

The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator is a pivotal funding mechanism under Horizon Europe, aimed at startups and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) that are pushing the boundaries of innovation. With a blend of grants and equity, it represents a critical opportunity for groundbreaking projects to come to life. However, navigating the application process is no small feat, especially with the stringent “3 strikes, you’re out” rule in place. This policy mandates that applicants can be rejected a maximum of three times in any of the three steps of the evaluation process. Once this limit is reached, reapplication is barred until the conclusion of the current Horizon Europe work programme in 2027.

The Three Steps of EIC Accelerator Evaluation

  1. Short Application: The initial step involves a written application and a pitch video. It’s the first hurdle where your project gets screened.
  2. Full Application: Successful projects move on to submit a detailed proposal, outlining the innovation, impact, and implementation strategy.
  3. Interview: Finalists are invited to pitch their projects to a jury of experts, the last chance to convince before funding decisions are made.

Implications of the “3 Strikes” Rule

This rule underscores the competitive nature of the EIC Accelerator and the importance of meticulous preparation. It’s a clear message that only the most compelling and well-prepared applications stand a chance. This policy also encourages applicants to critically assess their readiness and the potential of their innovation before applying, potentially saving time and resources for both the applicants and the evaluation committees.

Strategies for Success

  • In-depth Preparation: Before applying, ensure your project aligns with the EIC’s priorities: high impact, innovation, and market potential.
  • Professional Support: Consider engaging consultants or professional writers who specialize in EIC applications to enhance your submission.
  • Feedback Utilization: If rejected, use the feedback to strengthen your project’s weak points before reapplying.

The Horizon Europe Framework

The current work programme, Horizon Europe, runs until 2027, setting the timeframe for this rule. It’s a period rich with opportunities but also limitations, as the “3 strikes” rule makes clear. Applicants must navigate this landscape with strategic foresight, ensuring their innovations are not just groundbreaking but also meticulously presented.


The EIC Accelerator’s “3 strikes, you’re out” rule is a critical factor for applicants to consider. It emphasizes the need for excellence in every aspect of the application, from the innovation itself to the way it’s communicated. As we move through Horizon Europe, this rule will undoubtedly shape the competitive landscape, pushing companies towards not just innovation, but excellence in articulation and strategy.

Maximizing Your EIC Accelerator Proposal with the Evaluation Summary Report (ESR)

The journey to securing funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator can be arduous, with each application step scrutinized by expert evaluators. A crucial tool in this journey is the Evaluation Summary Report (ESR), provided after every rejection. This report is not merely a notification of unsuccessful attempts but a goldmine of constructive feedback directly from the evaluators’ perspectives.

Understanding the ESR

The ESR offers a transparent view into the evaluators’ comments across all proposal aspects, including excellence, impact, and implementation. This feedback is invaluable for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your submission.

  • Step 1 Feedback: In the first step of the evaluation, your proposal is reviewed by four evaluators, providing a broad range of insights into the initial impression your project makes.
  • Step 2 Feedback: The full application phase involves three evaluators, or four in cases of closely contested rejections. This stage offers a deeper dive into your proposal’s details, assessing how well it aligns with the EIC Accelerator’s objectives.

Leveraging ESR for Success

  • Actionable Insights: Each evaluator’s comments guide you in refining your proposal, highlighting areas for improvement in clarity, impact, and feasibility.
  • Tailored Revisions: By addressing specific critiques, you can tailor your resubmission to directly confront previous shortcomings, enhancing your proposal’s appeal.
  • Strategic Approach: Understanding recurring feedback themes allows for a strategic overhaul of your proposal, ensuring that every aspect, from innovation to market strategy, is robust and compelling.


The ESR is a critical feedback mechanism that, when used wisely, can significantly increase your chances of success in future EIC Accelerator applications. By thoroughly analyzing and acting on evaluator comments, applicants can transform their innovative projects into winning proposals that align with the EIC’s high standards for excellence, impact, and implementation. Remember, every piece of feedback is a step closer to securing the support needed to bring your innovation to the forefront of European industries.

The EIC Accelerator Rebuttal Process: Turning Rejection into Opportunity

The path to securing funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator is fraught with challenges, one of which is the possibility of rejection. However, the EIC Accelerator offers a unique rebuttal process that not only allows applicants to respond to evaluator comments but also provides a platform to correct misunderstandings and strengthen the proposal based on valid criticisms.

The Essence of the Rebuttal

This process is more than a mere appeal; it’s an opportunity for dialogue. By rebutting the comments of previous evaluators, applicants can directly address any false assessments and elaborate on the aspects of their proposal that may have been misunderstood or underestimated. This direct communication is crucial for setting a positive tone for the resubmission, making it a strategic tool for persuasion beyond the written proposal itself.

Strategic Advantages

  • Clarification: It allows applicants to clarify points that may have been misinterpreted, ensuring that the proposal is evaluated on its true merits.
  • Improvement: Valid criticisms become opportunities for refinement, allowing applicants to improve their proposals based on expert feedback.
  • Engagement: The rebuttal process creates a dialogue between applicants and evaluators, personalizing the application process and potentially swaying future evaluations in their favor.

Navigating the Rebuttal Process

To make the most of this opportunity, applicants should approach the rebuttal with a constructive mindset. Acknowledging valid criticisms while diplomatically addressing any inaccuracies can demonstrate professionalism and a commitment to excellence. Moreover, this process underscores the importance of resilience in the face of rejection, encouraging applicants to view setbacks as stepping stones to success.


The rebuttal process within the EIC Accelerator framework exemplifies the program’s commitment to fairness and thorough evaluation. By allowing applicants to engage directly with evaluators’ feedback, the EIC Accelerator not only enhances the quality of proposals but also fosters a more transparent and dynamic application process. Embracing this opportunity can be a pivotal step in turning rejection into a successful funding outcome.

The Unpredictable Journey to EIC Accelerator Funding

Applying for funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator is akin to navigating through a maze of innovation and uncertainty. It’s a path characterized by frequent rejections at various stages, reflecting the program’s competitive nature and the high standards set for groundbreaking projects. This competitiveness, coupled with the pursuit of excellence, leads to an environment where inconsistencies and seemingly random outcomes can occur.

The Inherent Unpredictability

The EIC Accelerator’s evaluation process, though rigorous, is not immune to variability. Applicants might find that what leads to rejection for one company could be overlooked or deemed less critical for another. This inconsistency is particularly notable during the jury interviews in Step 3, where the subjective nature of human judgment comes into play, leading to decisions that can sometimes appear contradictory.

Persistence as the Key to Success

In this landscape of high stakes and unpredictability, persistence emerges as a vital trait for success. The history of EIC Accelerator funding is replete with stories of applicants who faced multiple rejections before finally securing their desired funding. It’s a testament to the idea that resilience, coupled with a willingness to refine and improve proposals based on feedback, significantly increases the chances of eventual success.

Embracing Feedback and Refinement

Applicants are encouraged to view each rejection not as a failure but as an opportunity for growth. The feedback provided, whether through Evaluation Summary Reports or during the rebuttal process, offers invaluable insights for strengthening future submissions.


Securing funding from the EIC Accelerator is a testament to an applicant’s innovation, excellence, and, most importantly, perseverance. The journey is fraught with challenges and setbacks, but it is those who persist, refining and reapplying with enhanced proposals, who are most likely to achieve success. In the dynamic and competitive arena of EIC funding, resilience is the cornerstone of eventual triumph.

The articles found on Rasph.com reflect the opinions of Rasph or its respective authors and in no way reflect opinions held by the European Commission (EC) or the European Innovation Council (EIC). The provided information aims to share perspectives that are valuable and can potentially inform applicants regarding grant funding schemes such as the EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition or related programs such as Innovate UK in the United Kingdom or the Small Business Innovation and Research grant (SBIR) in the United States.

The articles can also be a useful resource for other consultancies in the grant space as well as professional grant writers who are hired as freelancers or are part of a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME). The EIC Accelerator is part of Horizon Europe (2021-2027) which has recently replaced the previous framework program Horizon 2020.

This article was written by ChatEIC. ChatEIC is an EIC Accelerator assistant that can advise on the writing of proposals, discuss current trends and create insightful articles on a variety of topics. The articles written by ChatEIC can contain inaccurate or outdated information.

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Rasph - EIC Accelerator Consulting