Introducing the Six Transformative Challenges of the EIC Accelerator 2024

The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator stands at the forefront of technological and scientific advancement, driving innovation across various sectors. In its latest endeavor, the EIC has unveiled six challenges, each targeting critical areas of development and research. These challenges are not just aimed at pushing the boundaries of technology but also at addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our society today.

1. Human Centric Generative AI Made in Europe

This challenge focuses on the development of generative AI technologies with a human-centric approach. It emphasizes the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of AI, ensuring that these groundbreaking technologies are developed with a focus on human rights, democracy, and ethical principles. This initiative aligns with the European Union’s commitment to digital innovation that respects fundamental human values.

2. Enabling Virtual Worlds and Augmented Interaction for Industry 5.0

Targeting the realm of Industry 5.0, this challenge aims to advance virtual and augmented reality technologies. These technologies are set to revolutionize industrial applications by enhancing user experience and interaction, thus contributing significantly to the progression towards a more connected and technologically advanced industrial era.

3. Enabling the Smart Edge and Quantum Technology Components

Focusing on the cutting edge of computing and communication systems, this challenge revolves around developing technologies related to smart edge computing and quantum components. It acknowledges the growing importance of quantum technology and edge computing in shaping the future of data processing and communication.

4. Food from Precision Fermentation and Algae

This challenge addresses innovative approaches to sustainable food production, focusing on precision fermentation techniques and the use of algae. It aims to revolutionize the food industry by exploring more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly methods of food production, thereby contributing to global food security.

5. Monoclonal Antibody-Based Therapeutics for New Variants of Emerging Viruses

In response to the evolving nature of viral diseases, this challenge is geared towards developing monoclonal antibody-based treatments for emerging viruses, with a particular focus on new and varying strains. This initiative is crucial in the fight against pandemics and emerging viral threats, highlighting the need for agile and adaptive medical solutions.

6. Renewable Energy Sources and Their Whole Value Chain

This challenge encompasses the entire value chain of renewable energy sources, from material development to the recycling of components. It emphasizes the need for sustainable energy solutions that consider every aspect of the renewable energy lifecycle, reinforcing the EU’s commitment to environmental sustainability and green technology.

In conclusion, the EIC Accelerator’s six challenges represent a diverse and ambitious set of goals aimed at driving innovation and addressing key global challenges. From AI and virtual reality to sustainable food production and renewable energy, these challenges reflect the EIC’s commitment to shaping a future that is technologically advanced, sustainable, and human-centric.



1. Human-Centric Generative AI in Europe: Balancing Innovation with Ethics and Society

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up a world of possibilities, transforming the way we live, work, and interact. However, the rapid development and deployment of AI technologies, particularly generative AI, have raised significant ethical, legal, and societal concerns. Europe, with its focus on human-centric AI, is at the forefront of addressing these challenges, striving to ensure that AI development is aligned with ethical principles and societal values.

The European Approach to Human-Centric AI

Europe’s approach to AI is deeply rooted in its commitment to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The European Union (EU) emphasizes the importance of developing AI that is trustworthy, ethical, and respects fundamental rights. This focus is evident in various initiatives and strategies, such as the Digital Europe Programme, which aims to enhance the strategic digital capabilities of the EU and promote the deployment of digital technologies, including AI.

Key European strategies on AI and digital transformation include integrating education to provide citizens with the skills to understand AI’s capabilities and implementing methodologies to manage workforce transitions. These strategies support fundamental and purpose-driven research, creating a strong and appealing environment that attracts and retains talent in Europe.

The EU’s commitment to ethical AI is also evident in the establishment of various AI research networks, such as CLAIRE, TAILOR, Humane-AI Net, AI4Media, and ELISE, which aim to boost the human-centric approach to AI in Europe. The European Commission has also launched initiatives like the European Research Council and AI Watch to promote and monitor the development of trustworthy AI solutions.

The Role of Generative AI in Europe

Generative AI, which includes technologies like large language models and image generation tools, is rapidly gaining traction in Europe. This technology has the potential to revolutionize industries by personalizing consumer engagement, improving customer experiences, and creating new products and services. However, it also poses challenges, such as the potential for misuse of personal data and the creation of harmful content.

To address these challenges, European companies and researchers are encouraged to establish guardrails to protect consumer privacy and ensure that the content generated by AI is safe and respectful. This approach aligns with Europe’s strong emphasis on privacy and data protection, as enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Ethical and Societal Considerations

Europe’s focus on human-centric AI extends to the ethical and societal implications of AI development. The EU has established various platforms and think tanks, such as PACE (Participactive And Constructive Ethics) in the Netherlands, to foster ethical AI applications. These platforms bring together companies, governmental authorities, centers of expertise, and civil society organizations to accelerate the development of human-centric AI.

The EU Ethics Guidelines for AI outline critical concerns and red lines in AI development, emphasizing the importance of putting human interests at the center of AI innovation. These guidelines address issues such as citizen scoring and the development of autonomous weapons, advocating for strong policy and regulatory frameworks to manage these critical concerns.

The Future of AI in Europe

Europe’s commitment to ethical, legal, and societal aspects of AI positions it as a potential global leader in the field. By focusing on human-centric AI, Europe can create AI solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also aligned with its values and principles. This approach could lead to significant economic benefits, with estimates suggesting that a common EU framework on AI ethics could bring an additional €294.9 billion in GDP and 4.6 million jobs by 2030.

In conclusion, Europe’s approach to human-centric generative AI represents a balanced pathway between technological innovation and ethical responsibility. By prioritizing human rights, ethical principles, and societal values, Europe is setting a global standard for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.



2. Enabling Virtual Worlds and Augmented Interaction in High-Impact Applications for Industry 5.0

The advent of Industry 5.0 marks a significant evolution in the industrial landscape, emphasizing sustainability, human-centric approaches, and resilience. One of the most pivotal elements in this new era is the integration of virtual worlds and augmented interaction technologies. These technologies are not only redefining high-impact applications across various industries but are also pivotal in supporting the realization of Industry 5.0.

The Rise of Virtual Worlds in Industry

Virtual worlds have transcended from being a concept of science fiction to a tangible reality, owing to the maturity of underlying technology building blocks and connectivity infrastructure. These high-fidelity virtual environments, powered by advanced platforms, middleware, tools, and devices, are set to revolutionize how businesses operate, innovate, produce, and interact with customers.

Objectives and Scope

The primary objective in this sector is to support the development and deployment of advanced virtual world technology solutions that are sustainable, resilient, and human-centric in their design and user contexts. The emphasis is on creating interactive, adaptive, and immersive experiences in dynamic Industry 5.0 application contexts. This includes innovation management, operations management, collaborative worker platforms, rapid waste-less prototyping in virtual labs, and remote working in challenging environments.

Technologies at the Forefront

Several technologies are leading this transformation:

  1. Artificial Intelligence: AI plays a crucial role in creating intelligent human-centric agents for virtual worlds. These agents help in scripting adaptive scenarios and provide more intuitive and accessible immersive experiences.
  2. Distributed Ledger Technology: This technology is crucial for secure and transparent transactions and digital asset management in virtual worlds, especially in multi-site Industry 5.0 applications.
  3. Spatial Computing and Location Mapping: These are vital for spatially aware applications, enabling accurate positioning of objects and users, and tying virtual experiences closely to physical locations.
  4. Digital Twins: These are instrumental for resilient transport technologies and sustainable urban mobility systems, optimizing performance and decision-making in industrial contexts.
  5. Wearables, Smart Textiles, and Smart Objects: These enhance user interaction with virtual worlds, offering realistic, immersive, or embodied experiences with improved ergonomics.
  6. AR/VR Solutions: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality solutions are critical for worker augmentation, remote expert assistance, and development management, including skills training and customer onboarding.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the potential of virtual worlds in Industry 5.0 is immense, there are several challenges and opportunities that need to be navigated:

  1. Integration with Existing Systems: The integration of high-risk innovations with state-of-the-art building blocks towards compelling in-situ demonstration in high-impact markets is critical.
  2. Skills Upgrade and Talent Attraction: Virtual worlds provide an avenue for skills upgrades, talent attraction, employee well-being, and knowledge retention in the industry.
  3. Cost-effectiveness and Resource Efficiency: These technologies must prove their worth in terms of cost-effectiveness and resource efficiency for the industry.
  4. Compliance with Ethical Standards: All AI models developed under this initiative must comply with the EU concept for Trustworthy AI and relevant ethical principles, as well as the draft AI Act.
  5. Budget Allocation: A significant budget of 50 million Euros is dedicated to this challenge, aiming to scale up cutting-edge innovations for platforms, middleware, tools, and devices.


The integration of virtual worlds and augmented interaction technologies in high-impact applications is a key driver for realizing the vision of Industry 5.0. With the right blend of innovation, ethical compliance, and strategic implementation, these technologies will not only enhance industrial operations but also align them with the principles of sustainability, human-centricity, and resilience.



3. Enabling the Smart Edge and Quantum Technology Components: The Future of Computing and Communication Systems

In the quest for technological advancement, the integration of smart edge computing and quantum technology components stands as a vital frontier. This development is not just an evolution in computing; it’s a revolution that promises to reshape the landscape of computing and communication systems.

The Emergence of Hybrid Quantum-Edge Computing

Hybrid quantum-edge computing represents a groundbreaking computing paradigm. It merges the capabilities and security of edge computing with the power of quantum computing and communications. Edge computing, already a significant player in handling the computational demands of delay-sensitive applications, brings substantial computing and storage to the network edge, close to data sources. When combined with the unparalleled capabilities of quantum computing, it creates a synergy that enhances computing performance and data security beyond what’s achievable with classical or quantum computing alone​​.

Quantum Computing: The Game Changer

Quantum computing leverages quantum physics to solve complex problems at unprecedented speeds. Unlike conventional computers, quantum computers use qubits (quantum bits), which significantly increase processing power. The pursuit of quantum supremacy, where quantum computers perform calculations beyond the reach of conventional computers, has sparked a global race. The challenges in quantum computing include improving qubit stability against noise and developing error correction software to fix qubit errors​​.

Quantum Computing at the Edge

A notable advancement in this field is the development of smaller quantum devices, akin to current CPUs or GPUs, suitable for integration into existing supercomputing centers as quantum accelerator modules. These modules are capable of performing quantum speedups of computing at the source, including in distributed computing and mobile and edge devices. Quantum Brilliance, for instance, focuses on diamond NV centers, robust qubits that operate at room temperature and are less susceptible to environmental disturbances. This makes them ideal for edge-device quantum computing​​.

Transforming Industries with Quantum-Edge Computing

Manufacturing and Logistics

In manufacturing and logistics, quantum-edge computing can optimize complex processes such as production planning, inventory management, and supply chain logistics. It can significantly reduce operational costs and enhance efficiency through real-time data processing and decision-making at the edge.

Health and Medicine

In the healthcare sector, quantum-edge computing can revolutionize medical analysis, diagnosis, and treatment planning. It can process vast amounts of medical data rapidly, leading to quicker and more accurate diagnoses and personalized medicine.


The intersection of quantum computing and edge computing has profound implications for cybersecurity. Quantum computers can potentially decrypt messages considered secure by today’s standards. Therefore, transitioning to post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is crucial for future-proofing data security against quantum computing threats​​.

Challenges and Future Outlook

While the potential of quantum-edge computing is immense, several challenges need addressing:

  1. Infrastructure Development: Building the necessary infrastructure for quantum-edge computing, including quantum chips and support equipment, is costly and technologically demanding.
  2. Error Correction and Stability: Improving the stability of qubits and developing efficient error correction methods is vital for the practical application of quantum computing.
  3. Quantum-As-A-Service (QaaS): Given the complexity and cost of quantum computers, QaaS models, where quantum computing capabilities are accessed over the internet, could become a norm for research and industrial applications.
  4. Integration and Standardization: Integrating quantum technologies into existing IT infrastructure and standardizing these technologies for widespread use are significant hurdles.


The integration of smart edge computing with quantum technology components heralds a new era in computing and communication systems. It promises unparalleled processing power, enhanced data security, and revolutionary applications across various industries. As we navigate the challenges and harness the opportunities, the convergence of these technologies will undoubtedly shape the future of computing.



4. Revolutionizing Food Production: Precision Fermentation and Algae

The world of food production is on the cusp of a revolution with the advent of precision fermentation and the use of algae as sustainable food sources. This innovative approach to food production, particularly focusing on precision fermentation techniques and algae, represents a significant shift towards more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly methods of meeting the global food demands.

The Rise of Precision Fermentation in Food Production

Precision fermentation, a method of producing gene-edited microbes, yeast, or algae in controlled environments, is rapidly transforming the food industry. This technology enables the creation of specific functional ingredients, offering an alternative to traditional animal and crop-based sources. It is marked by its ability to replace protein- and fat-rich foods from animals with more sustainable alternatives, produced in a manner that considerably reduces environmental impact​​​​.

The Impact on Nutritional Content

Microorganisms, including algae, are a source of high-value dietary components such as fibers, resistant carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other functional ingredients. These components play a crucial role in maintaining gut health and boosting immunity​​. Moreover, precision fermentation can produce a wide array of nutritionally relevant compounds, including long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are generally low in traditional animal products​​.

Algae: A Sustainable Superfood

Algae, especially microalgae, are being increasingly recognized for their nutritional value and sustainability. They are rich in proteins, pigments, lipids, carotenoids, and vitamins, making them a highly nutritious and sustainable food source. Their cultivation does not require vast tracts of arable land, and they can be grown in a variety of environments, including those with high or extreme resource constraints​​​​.

Environmental Benefits and Challenges

One of the most significant advantages of precision fermentation and algae-based food production is their minimal environmental impact. This approach to food production aligns with the objectives of the EU Soil Mission, the EU Green Deal, and other environmental initiatives. It offers a way to produce low-emission foods efficiently while conserving resources​​.

However, achieving at-scale production that competes with established and cheaper products like dairy milk remains a challenge. Process improvements and continued innovation are required to increase the commercial viability of these technologies​​.

Regulatory Landscape and Consumer Acceptance

The regulatory environment for precision fermentation and algae-based foods is evolving. There is a need for clarity in safety standards and regulatory processes to facilitate market access. The adoption of these technologies also hinges on consumer acceptance and understanding of their benefits. Engaging with consumers, particularly younger generations, and educating them about the value of these innovative food sources is crucial​​​​.

The Future of Food Production

The integration of precision fermentation and algae in food production is poised to transform the global food industry. It offers a pathway to more sustainable, localized, and environmentally friendly food production. As we move forward, innovations in these fields could play a pivotal role in addressing global food insecurity and environmental challenges, reshaping our food systems for the better.


5. Unveiling the Future of Medicine: Monoclonal Antibody-Based Therapeutics for New Variants of Emerging Viruses

In the realm of modern medicine, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as pivotal tools in the fight against new variants of emerging viruses. This innovative approach to therapeutics is particularly crucial in addressing rapidly evolving pathogens, where traditional methods may fall short. As we delve into the technology and implications of mAb-based treatments, it becomes clear that this field is not just a scientific endeavor but a beacon of hope in our ongoing battle against viral diseases.

The Evolution and Impact of mAbs

Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced molecules engineered to serve as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance, or mimic the immune system’s attack on cells. They have been a part of therapeutic strategies for various diseases, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and more recently, infectious diseases like COVID-19. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, several mAbs received emergency use authorization, demonstrating their effectiveness in neutralizing the virus and reducing hospitalization rates​​​​.

Addressing Variants of Concern

The ever-evolving nature of viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, poses a significant challenge. Variants with mutations in critical areas, like the spike protein, have shown an increased risk of transmission and reduced neutralization by existing monoclonal antibody therapies. This ongoing evolution necessitates the development of broad-spectrum mAbs capable of effectively targeting these new variants​​​​.

The Promise of ‘Super-Antibodies’

Recent advancements have led to the concept of ‘super-antibodies’ – mAbs with enhanced affinity and breadth, capable of neutralizing a wide range of variants. For instance, sotrovimab and ADG20, among others, have shown promise in clinical trials, offering potent neutralization capabilities against various SARS-CoV-2 variants. These developments mark a significant step towards a more resilient therapeutic strategy against emerging viral threats​​.

Overcoming Resistance and Escape Mutations

A critical aspect of mAb therapy is its ability to adapt to viral mutations. Research has shown that some variants can develop escape mutations, making them resistant to certain mAbs. Understanding and predicting these mutations are essential for developing more effective and lasting therapeutic interventions​​.

Clinical Applications and Challenges

mAb-based therapies have shown significant potential in clinical settings, especially for patients with mild symptoms, thereby reducing the burden on healthcare systems. However, there are challenges in administering these therapies, including the need for intravenous infusion and ensuring timely treatment following infection​​.

The Role of mAbs in Future Pandemics

Looking ahead, monoclonal antibodies are set to play a crucial role in pandemic preparedness and precision medicine. Their ability to be rapidly developed and tailored to specific pathogens makes them an invaluable asset in our medical arsenal against future viral outbreaks.


The development of monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics for new variants of emerging viruses is a testament to the remarkable progress in medical science. It highlights the synergy between innovative biotechnology and a deep understanding of immunology. As research and development in this field continue, we stand better equipped to face the challenges posed by emerging viral diseases, safeguarding global health and paving the way for a future where outbreaks can be swiftly and effectively contained.


6. Reinventing Renewable Energy: From Material Development to Recycling

The quest for sustainable energy solutions has led to a significant focus on the entire value chain of renewable energy sources. This includes the development of materials, the efficient use of these resources, and the recycling of components to ensure an eco-friendly lifecycle. The challenge lies in creating a system where every stage of the renewable energy value chain contributes to sustainability.

The Rise of Renewable Energy and Its Material Demands

Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind power, have witnessed exponential growth. However, this growth brings challenges, particularly in material sourcing and supply chain management. For instance, the production of polysilicon, a key component in solar panels, is heavily concentrated in certain regions, making the supply chain vulnerable to disruptions​​. The need for sustainable extraction of technology materials like lithium, cobalt, and rare earth elements, which are critical for renewable energy infrastructure, is also becoming increasingly important​​​​.

Innovation in Material Development

The development of new materials for renewable energy technologies is essential for minimizing environmental impact. Innovations in this field are not only focusing on the efficiency and effectiveness of these materials but also on their sustainability and ability to be recycled. For instance, the recycling of composite materials used in renewable energy technologies is gaining attention due to its potential to reduce waste and maintain a circular economy​​​​.

The Challenge of Recycling in Renewable Energy

Recycling components of renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines, is a complex challenge. These systems often contain a mix of different materials, making recycling a technically demanding process. However, initiatives like the Wind Turbine Materials Recycling Prize are encouraging the development of innovative recycling technologies​​. Additionally, companies like Umicore are pioneering recycling methods for lithium-ion batteries, a key component in electric vehicles and energy storage systems​​.

The Circular Economy in Renewable Energy

The concept of a circular economy is vital in the renewable energy sector. It emphasizes the need for designing renewable energy technologies with recycling in mind, using renewable materials, and ensuring that end-of-life products are recycled effectively. This approach is crucial for minimizing the environmental impact of renewable energy systems and making them truly sustainable​​​​.

Policy and Global Value Chains

The transition to renewable energy is reshaping global value chains. Countries pursuing green energy policies are putting themselves at a competitive advantage by attracting multinationals and foreign direct investments. To support this shift, governments are building renewable energy infrastructures and establishing policies that encourage sustainable practices throughout the value chain​​.

Future Prospects

The renewable energy sector is at a pivotal moment. Ensuring full sustainability across its value chain, from material development to recycling, will drive rapid decarbonization of the global economy. As we build a net-zero economy, it is imperative to consider the social and environmental impacts of renewable energy, not just its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions​​.

In conclusion, the entire value chain of renewable energy, from material development to recycling, is crucial for achieving sustainable energy solutions. By focusing on innovative materials, efficient supply chains, and effective recycling methods, the renewable energy sector can lead the way in environmental sustainability and economic growth.

The articles found on reflect the opinions of Rasph or its respective authors and in no way reflect opinions held by the European Commission (EC) or the European Innovation Council (EIC). The provided information aims to share perspectives that are valuable and can potentially inform applicants regarding grant funding schemes such as the EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition or related programs such as Innovate UK in the United Kingdom or the Small Business Innovation and Research grant (SBIR) in the United States.

The articles can also be a useful resource for other consultancies in the grant space as well as professional grant writers who are hired as freelancers or are part of a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME). The EIC Accelerator is part of Horizon Europe (2021-2027) which has recently replaced the previous framework program Horizon 2020.

This article was written by ChatEIC. ChatEIC is an EIC Accelerator assistant that can advise on the writing of proposals, discuss current trends and create insightful articles on a variety of topics. The articles written by ChatEIC can contain inaccurate or outdated information.

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