The Ultimate EIC Accelerator Short Proposal Guide (EIC Accelerator Step 1 Proposal Template)

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Unlocking Innovation: The EIC Accelerator Step 1 Proposal Template – A Guide for Startups and SMEs

In the dynamic world of startup financing, the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator presents a compelling pathway for startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to secure substantial funding. The Step 1 proposal template is a critical tool designed to facilitate access to up to €17.5 million in blended financing, which includes both grant and equity components. This article provides a detailed overview of the contents and usefulness of the EIC Accelerator Step 1 proposal template, which is tailored to empower startups and SMEs across the European Union (EU).

The Essence of the EIC Accelerator Step 1 Proposal Template

Official Proposal Template: The Step 1 proposal template serves as the official blueprint for applicants, meticulously designed to streamline the application process for EIC funding. It encompasses essential sections that require applicants to succinctly articulate their innovation, business model, and the potential impact of their technology. This structured approach ensures that all critical aspects of the proposal are covered systematically.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Focus: A pivotal part of the template is the emphasis on Technology Readiness Levels. Applicants must demonstrate their innovation’s maturity, which is crucial for aligning with the EIC’s expectations of market readiness and potential for deployment.

Pitch Deck and Interview Preparation: The proposal template is strategically designed to help applicants prepare for subsequent stages of the funding process. It encourages a concise yet comprehensive presentation of ideas, which forms the backbone of the pitch deck and sets the stage for the interview process.

How the Template Empowers Applicants

Streamlined Process for Applicants: By providing a clear structure, the template demystifies the application process, making it accessible even to newcomers in the EU funding landscape. It guides applicants through a series of well-defined steps, helping them present their innovation narrative effectively.

Designed for High Impact: The template focuses on high-impact innovations, prompting applicants to think critically about the market needs and the unique value proposition of their technology. This focus is aligned with the EIC’s goal to support projects that have the potential to scale up and achieve significant market penetration.

Support for a Broad Range of Innovators: From professional writers and freelancers to consultants, the template serves as a resource that can be utilized by various stakeholders involved in the grant writing process. It provides a standardized framework that ensures consistency and quality across applications.

The Financial and Strategic Impact

Blended Financing Opportunities: The template effectively opens the door to blended financing opportunities, comprising a €2.5 million grant and up to €15 million in equity financing. This substantial financial backing is designed to accelerate the development and scaling of groundbreaking innovations.

Equity Financing Insights: For ventures that are potentially non-bankable and where traditional funding mechanisms fall short, the equity option presented in the template is a game-changer. It offers a direct pathway to significant funding, crucial for aggressive growth and expansion strategies.

European Commission and EIC Endorsement: Using the official template aligns projects with the strategic priorities of the European Commission and the EIC. It ensures that proposals are evaluated on criteria that reflect the broader objectives of EU innovation funding, enhancing the credibility and appeal of the projects.


The EIC Accelerator Step 1 proposal template is not just a document; it’s a strategic tool that can significantly enhance the chances of securing funding by aligning startups and SMEs with the critical elements sought by the EIC. It encourages clarity, conciseness, and focus, which are essential for passing the rigorous evaluation process. By leveraging this template, startups and SMEs can effectively articulate their innovation stories, demonstrating their potential to transform industries and scale new heights in the European market.

EIC Accelerator Step 1 Short Proposal Proposal Template

1. Company Description

Founding Story

The inception of the company is traced back to its founding date, highlighting its origins as a spin-off from a notable research institute. This narrative details the collaboration between co-founders and the initial investments secured, illustrating a trajectory from a promising idea to an established entity. Such a foundation story not only enhances the company’s profile but also solidifies its position as a credible and innovative player in the tech industry, aiming to attract attention from stakeholders including the European Innovation Council (EIC).

Mission and Vision

The mission and vision of the company encapsulate its core objectives and the aspirational impact it aims to achieve on a global scale. The mission is crafted around solving critical industry challenges, leveraging innovation to improve efficiencies or address significant market gaps. This visionary approach positions the company as a forward-thinking leader committed to making substantial advancements in its field. The emphasis on transforming theoretical ideas into practical, market-ready solutions aligns well with the goals of the European Innovation Council, illustrating a commitment to not only lead in innovation but also to contribute positively to societal and economic growth.

Company Achievements

The company’s achievements are a testament to its growth and innovation, marked by significant milestones such as awards, financial successes, and technological advancements. These accomplishments are crucial in establishing the company’s credibility and highlighting its capacity to meet and exceed industry standards. Recognition from reputable bodies through awards and the successful achievement of critical technology readiness levels underscore the company’s potential and readiness for further growth. Such a track record is essential in building trust with the European Innovation Council and potential investors, positioning the company as a robust candidate for future opportunities in the European Union’s competitive tech landscape.

Customer Relationships

The company has nurtured robust relationships with a diverse range of customers, enhancing its market position and solidifying its reputation in the industry. These relationships are not just transactional but are enriched through collaborations, providing mutual benefits and strengthening the company’s foothold in the market. Highlighting the top customers and detailing the nature of these interactions showcases the company’s ability to maintain valuable partnerships. Furthermore, securing Letters of Intent (LOI) from these key stakeholders not only demonstrates their commitment but also positions the company favorably for further funding opportunities under initiatives like the EIC Accelerator, emphasizing its strong market traction and potential for growth.

Basic Partners

The company has strategically partnered with a variety of essential suppliers and contractors to enhance its operational effectiveness and streamline its value chain. These partnerships are meticulously selected to ensure high-quality inputs and reliable service delivery, critical for maintaining the company’s competitive edge. Collaboration with partners in specialized areas such as power electronics and fine chemicals underscores the company’s commitment to excellence and innovation. Such collaborations not only optimize the company’s logistical and infrastructural needs but also demonstrate a proactive approach in securing and managing a dependable supply chain, which is vital for sustaining growth and scalability in the fast-paced tech industry.

Company Assets

The company’s strategic asset management underscores its robust operational foundation and its readiness for scaling. By cataloging significant assets such as intellectual property, patents, and material resources, the company not only secures its competitive edge but also reassures stakeholders of its preparedness for future challenges. These assets, coupled with strategic access to critical resources and facilities, provide a solid base from which the company can expand its operations effectively. This comprehensive asset management strategy demonstrates the company’s foresight and meticulous planning, traits that are highly valued by the European Innovation Council and potential investors within the EU.

Value Chain

The company is poised to revolutionize the industry’s value chain through innovative strategies that enhance efficiency and create new market opportunities. By addressing current inefficiencies and barriers within the sector, the company is not only optimizing its operations but also setting new standards for performance and sustainability. This transformative approach enables the creation of new value streams, turning potential waste into valuable resources and opening up new channels for revenue generation. Such strategic innovations are key to attracting support from entities like the European Innovation Council, as they align with the broader goals of the European Union to foster sustainable growth and technological advancement in the market.

2. The Problem/Market Opportunity

Overall Problem

The company’s grand narrative contextualizes its innovation within a broader global and European problem, presenting its solution as both timely and essential. By articulating a compelling connection between the innovation and significant societal challenges, the company highlights the strategic importance of its technology. This narrative is strengthened by quantitative data, making a strong case for its potential impact on the market. This approach not only resonates with the aims of the European Innovation Council but also aligns with the European Union’s agenda to address critical issues through advanced technology, enhancing the company’s eligibility for substantial funding and support.

Industry Problem

The company effectively quantifies the industry problems affecting its customer base, providing clear insights into the financial and operational challenges faced by its clients. This analysis aids in illustrating the direct benefits of the company’s solutions, emphasizing reduced costs, improved safety, and enhanced efficiency for users. By addressing these specific pain points, the company demonstrates a deep understanding of its market and customer needs, reinforcing its value proposition to potential investors and partners, including the European Innovation Council. This targeted approach ensures alignment with market demands and positions the company as a pivotal player in transforming industry standards and practices.

Customer Groups

The company has identified and segmented its key customer groups based on distinct needs and characteristics, which allows for targeted and effective market strategies. This segmentation approach enables the company to tailor its offerings to meet the specific demands of diverse customer segments such as Battery System Manufacturers and Power Electronics Suppliers. By understanding and addressing the unique pain points of each group, the company ensures relevance and appeal in its market offerings. This strategic market engagement is instrumental in driving adoption and fostering loyalty, making the company a strong candidate for support from initiatives like the EIC Accelerator, which values innovative solutions that address clear market needs.

High-Level Solution

The company presents its solution with clarity, emphasizing its superiority in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact. This high-level description uses compelling metrics to quantify the benefits, such as percentage improvements and financial savings, making a persuasive case for the innovation’s potential market impact. By framing the solution in terms of tangible benefits, the company effectively communicates the practical value of its technology, aligning with the European Innovation Council’s focus on scalable, impactful innovations. This approach not only makes the proposal attractive for funding but also resonates with potential partners and investors looking for viable and sustainable tech solutions.

Customer Benefits

The company demonstrates the tangible benefits of its solutions through detailed case studies, highlighting the financial and operational advantages for customers. By quantifying these benefits, the company not only showcases the direct impact of its technology on enhancing efficiency and reducing costs but also strengthens its market position. These success stories are crucial for illustrating the real-world effectiveness of the company’s innovations, making its offerings more compelling to both potential clients and investors. Such evidence of product-market fit is highly appealing to the European Innovation Council and other stakeholders within the EU, emphasizing the company’s potential for widespread adoption and significant market impact.

Industry Impact

The company’s innovation is set to disrupt the industry status quo, creating new markets and transforming existing value chains for a significant impact. By introducing groundbreaking technology, the company not only paves the way for new applications and business models but also contributes to a more efficient and sustainable industry landscape. This transformative impact is aligned with the objectives of the European Innovation Council, which supports ventures that offer revolutionary solutions with potential for substantial economic and environmental benefits. The company’s ability to drive industry transformation is a compelling aspect for securing support and funding under the EIC Accelerator.

3. The Innovation: Solution/Product or Services (USP)

State of the Art

The company adeptly articulates the limitations of current technologies and how its innovative approach surpasses them, emphasizing the shortcomings of existing solutions in the market. By focusing on the inefficiencies and gaps left by current technologies, the company clearly positions its innovations as necessary and superior alternatives. This strategic presentation not only highlights the unique value proposition of the company’s technology but also underscores its potential to redefine industry standards. This aligns perfectly with the European Innovation Council’s goals to support technological advancements that are capable of addressing critical challenges in the industry.

Technology Detail

The company provides an in-depth explanation of its technology across all components, ensuring a clear understanding from concept to final application at Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL9). This detailed breakdown showcases the company’s thorough approach to development, from initial data sourcing through to integration and feature implementation. By not assuming prior knowledge, the company ensures that evaluators and stakeholders fully grasp the innovation’s breadth and depth. This comprehensive elucidation of the technology’s components and benefits is crucial for demonstrating the innovation’s readiness and potential impact, aligning with the European Innovation Council’s criteria for technological sophistication and market readiness.


The company’s strategic importance to Europe is underscored by its alignment with current market developments, regulatory pressures, and industry trends. The timing of its innovation coincides with a critical period of technological maturity and regulatory evolution, positioning the company to capitalize on emerging opportunities. This synchronicity enhances the company’s prospects for success, demonstrating its potential to contribute significantly to the European Union’s strategic goals. The company’s ability to leverage these dynamics not only strengthens its appeal to the European Innovation Council but also assures potential investors of its viability and future growth potential in the European market.

Technology Achievements

The company’s track record of technological achievements is showcased through a list of milestones including certifications, validations, pilot studies, and prototypes. This history of success not only demonstrates the technology’s progression through various Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) but also highlights the company’s capability to meet rigorous scientific and market standards. Each achievement marks a step closer to commercial viability, showcasing the company’s commitment to developing a robust and market-ready product. By presenting a clear timeline of technological advancements, the company effectively communicates its ongoing dedication to innovation and quality, aligning with the European Innovation Council’s emphasis on scientifically validated and market-tested technologies.

Development Roadmap Narrative

The company has meticulously planned its development roadmap, detailing distinct activities across various areas of the EIC Accelerator, emphasizing capacity and capability enhancements. This narrative approach gives a holistic view of the project’s scope and significance, illustrating how each development phase contributes to the overall goal. By describing the big picture and underlying need for each development step, the company ensures that stakeholders understand the strategic importance of the project. This clear roadmap not only serves to communicate the company’s organizational and strategic acumen but also aligns with the European Innovation Council’s focus on projects that are well-planned and have a clear path to market impact.

IP Assets

The company’s robust intellectual property (IP) strategy is detailed through a comprehensive listing of patents, highlighting their filing numbers, statuses, and territories. This meticulous documentation of IP assets not only secures the company’s innovations but also provides a competitive edge by preventing potential infringement by others. By outlining a strategic plan for future patents, the company demonstrates foresight in protecting its technological advancements and market position. This proactive approach to IP management is crucial for building trust with the European Innovation Council and potential investors, emphasizing the company’s commitment to maintaining its leadership and integrity in a competitive market.

4. Market and Competition Analysis

Market Size & Growth

The company has strategically analyzed its market size and growth potential, detailing the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) and defining the Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM). This detailed market analysis provides a clear picture of the potential reach and scalability of its offerings, establishing the company’s growth trajectory within a sizable market. By quantifying the market opportunity and outlining the segments it aims to capture, the company aligns its goals with the expectations of the European Innovation Council, showcasing its potential for substantial market impact and its readiness to leverage the available market potential.

Traction & Willingness to Pay

The company has effectively demonstrated a strong product-market fit, emphasizing the willingness of customers to pay for its solution. This is substantiated by existing revenues, committed investments, and other forms of market traction such as Letters of Intent (LOI) and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). These commitments highlight the recognized value of the company’s offerings and confirm the market demand. The strategic display of customer engagement and financial backing reassures potential investors and the European Innovation Council of the viability and attractiveness of the company’s innovation, showcasing its readiness to capitalize on market opportunities and drive growth.

Competitor Analysis

The company’s competitor analysis is thorough, distinguishing between direct competitors, which include prominent companies in the industry, and indirect competitors, such as those in related technology fields. By profiling these competitors in terms of their business size, regional presence, product offerings, and customer bases, the company outlines a clear competitive landscape. This analysis not only highlights the company’s understanding of its market positioning but also identifies areas where it excels or needs improvement. Demonstrating superior innovation or efficiency in comparison to others in the field aligns with the European Innovation Council’s focus on supporting companies that are prepared to lead in their respective markets and have a clear strategy for outperforming competitors.

5. Broad Impacts

General Impact

The company’s initiatives and operations are strategically aligned with key political themes, making a positive global impact across societal, environmental, diversity, and gender dimensions. This alignment is reinforced by citing specific legal frameworks, policy targets, and binding goals, which substantiate the company’s commitment to these crucial areas. By integrating these global challenges into its business strategy, the company not only adheres to European Union policies but also positions itself as a leader in sustainable and inclusive innovation. This approach resonates with the European Innovation Council’s objectives, enhancing the company’s eligibility for support and collaboration under EU initiatives aimed at addressing broad societal challenges.

EU Goals

The strategic significance of the company to Europe is highlighted by its alignment with EU policy and agenda, emphasizing its role in advancing European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) objectives. This alignment demonstrates the company’s potential to contribute to critical areas of European interest, such as technology innovation, economic growth, and societal benefits. By positioning its projects in line with EU strategic goals, the company not only increases its attractiveness for funding and support but also showcases its commitment to being an integral part of Europe’s innovation landscape.


The company’s initiatives directly address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, showcasing its commitment to global challenges such as clean energy, gender equality, and sustainable cities. By linking its technology and operations to specific SDGs, the company not only highlights the broader impact of its innovations but also aligns with the European Union’s emphasis on sustainable development. This strategic alignment enhances the company’s appeal to the European Innovation Council and potential investors who prioritize contributions to these global goals, positioning the company as a leader in ethical and responsible business practices.

Job Creation

The company’s commitment to job creation is evident in its detailed projections for direct and indirect employment opportunities over the next several years. By highlighting the potential for significant job growth within the company and across the broader economy through innovation, the company aligns with European priorities for economic expansion and social stability. This emphasis on creating new jobs, especially in high-tech sectors, not only demonstrates the company’s growth potential but also its role in contributing to the European labor market’s resilience and diversity. Such strategic planning supports the European Innovation Council’s objectives to foster employment through innovative projects.

6. Team and Management

Team Excellence

The company’s team is highlighted for its excellence, diversity, and broad experience across technical and commercial domains. With a mix of full-time employees, freelancers, and key advisors, the team’s comprehensive expertise is poised to drive the company’s initiatives forward effectively. The detailed profile of the team’s background and accomplishments not only emphasizes their capability to execute the company’s strategic vision but also assures stakeholders of the team’s preparedness to meet complex challenges. This portrayal aligns with the European Innovation Council’s focus on supporting companies with skilled and diverse teams capable of pioneering innovations and managing growth efficiently.

Full Staff List

The company maintains a comprehensive and detailed staff list, reflecting its commitment to transparency and organization. This list not only showcases the diversity and expertise within the organization but also helps in assessing the company’s readiness for future expansions and projects. By providing a clear overview of staff competencies, areas of expertise, and roles, the company demonstrates its preparedness to meet operational needs and strategic goals effectively. This level of detail is valuable for stakeholders, including the European Innovation Council, as it illustrates the company’s structured approach to human resource management and its capability to scale operations smoothly.

Employee Incentives

The company provides strong incentives for its staff, including equity shares and performance bonuses, which not only enhance employee satisfaction and retention but also align staff interests with company success. This proactive approach in employee compensation demonstrates the company’s commitment to fostering a motivated and dedicated workforce. By foreseeing an employee stock ownership plan, the company ensures that staff members are stakeholders in its success, increasing their investment in the company’s long-term goals. Such strategies are crucial for maintaining high performance and innovation, which are valued by entities like the European Innovation Council, enhancing the company’s attractiveness to potential investors and partners.

Diversity & Gender

The company has made a strong commitment to developing a diverse and gender-balanced team during its scaling process. With a current gender ratio that reflects this commitment, the company showcases its dedication to inclusivity and equality in the workplace. Highlighting the expertise of female staff members in key positions further strengthens this commitment, demonstrating the company’s proactive approach to fostering a balanced and dynamic work environment. This focus on diversity and gender balance not only aligns with European Innovation Council values but also enhances the company’s appeal to a broader range of stakeholders, reinforcing its position as a progressive leader in the industry.


The company has meticulously planned its hiring strategy to coincide with phases of the EIC Accelerator, detailing specific roles and the number of positions required in each phase. This foresight in workforce planning demonstrates the company’s proactive approach to scaling and its readiness for growth. By aligning hiring activities with key project milestones, the company ensures that it has the necessary talent in place to meet its objectives effectively. This strategic alignment is essential for demonstrating to the European Innovation Council and potential investors that the company is well-prepared to leverage the opportunities provided by the EIC Accelerator for significant expansion.

Leading a Growing Team

The company’s leadership team exhibits strong competence in managing a growing organization, highlighted by their experience in overseeing significant projects and expansions. This section of the proposal outlines the team’s past experiences and their success in scaling operations, which reassures stakeholders of the management’s capability to navigate the company through upcoming growth phases. The leadership’s proven track record in strategic decision-making and project management is crucial for securing confidence from the European Innovation Council, showcasing that the company is managed by skilled professionals who are adept at turning innovative ideas into successful business outcomes.

7. Funding Request

Funding History

The company’s detailed history of past funding rounds provides a transparent overview of its financial journey, highlighting the types of funding such as equity, loans, convertible notes, and grants. This financial overview not only demonstrates the company’s ability to attract diverse funding sources but also its financial acumen in managing these resources effectively. By specifying the timing and conditions of these funding rounds, the company assures potential investors and the European Innovation Council of its credibility and financial stability. This background is essential for building trust and showcasing the company’s capability to leverage past investments for future growth and innovation.

Need for the EIC

The company’s application for EIC support is driven by a clear need due to the absence of suitable national grants and the high-risk nature associated with its early-stage development at TRL5/6. This need is amplified by the substantial capital requirements typical of deep tech ventures, and the pursuit of patient capital which is crucial for long-term research and development. The application articulates a strategic need for de-risking the project to make it more appealing to additional investors. By demonstrating these specific needs, the company effectively positions itself to leverage EIC support to bridge critical funding gaps and accelerate its development, highlighting the strategic alignment with European Commission initiatives aimed at fostering high-potential innovations.

EIC Funding Breakdown

The company is applying for the blended finance option under the EIC Accelerator, which combines a significant grant contribution with substantial equity financing. This strategic financial request is structured to ensure the company reaches Technology Readiness Level 8 with a total project budget meticulously outlined. The financial breakdown includes a clear division between the grant and co-financing amounts, reflecting a well-planned approach to funding its technological advancements. This detailed financial strategy not only aligns with the European Innovation Council’s funding mechanisms but also showcases the company’s preparedness and financial acumen in leveraging both grant and equity to scale its operations and impact.

EIC Impact

The company views the European Innovation Council (EIC) as a pivotal springboard for growth and success, recognizing the strategic advantage of EIC investment in de-risking and enabling follow-on investments. By emphasizing the EIC’s role in facilitating scalability, the company articulates how this support can transform its developmental trajectory, enhancing its capability to expand and innovate further. This perspective not only aligns with the EIC’s goals of fostering high-potential innovations but also positions the company as an ideal candidate for investment, ready to leverage EIC support to maximize its impact and market reach.

Financial Projections

The company has outlined its financial projections with precision, highlighting expected revenue growth, margin improvements, and the timing of reaching break-even. This financial forecast is presented through detailed charts that illustrate revenue against costs and EBITDA over the next several years, including the periods covered by the EIC grant. The company’s ability to articulate its financial future with such clarity not only demonstrates a robust understanding of its financial path but also instills confidence in potential investors and the European Innovation Council. This level of financial transparency and planning is critical in securing further investment and support, showcasing the company’s preparedness for sustainable growth and profitability post-grant period.


The company has conducted a comprehensive risk analysis, identifying key areas of concern that could impact the project. This analysis includes detailed descriptions of potential risks, their likelihood, impact, and the strategies in place for mitigation. By categorizing risks into technology, commercial (including regulatory and team aspects), and financial areas, the company provides a clear overview of potential obstacles and demonstrates proactive management strategies. This thorough risk assessment is essential for building trust with the European Innovation Council and potential investors, showing that the company is not only aware of potential challenges but is also prepared to address them effectively to ensure project success.


The articles found on reflect the opinions of Rasph or its respective authors and in no way reflect opinions held by the European Commission (EC) or the European Innovation Council (EIC). The provided information aims to share perspectives that are valuable and can potentially inform applicants regarding grant funding schemes such as the EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition or related programs such as Innovate UK in the United Kingdom or the Small Business Innovation and Research grant (SBIR) in the United States.

The articles can also be a useful resource for other consultancies in the grant space as well as professional grant writers who are hired as freelancers or are part of a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME). The EIC Accelerator is part of Horizon Europe (2021-2027) which has recently replaced the previous framework program Horizon 2020.

This article was written by ChatEIC. ChatEIC is an EIC Accelerator assistant that can advise on the writing of proposals, discuss current trends and create insightful articles on a variety of topics. The articles written by ChatEIC can contain inaccurate or outdated information.

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