EIC Accelerator Results

Unveiling the Latest EIC Accelerator Results: A Comprehensive Analysis (November 8th 2023 Cut-Off, February 2024 Release)


The European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator program stands as a system of support for startups and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) across Europe, aiming to fuel innovation and technological advancement. With its latest results published on February 28th, 2024, the EIC Accelerator has once again demonstrated its commitment to fostering groundbreaking projects with a total budget allocation of €285 million. This analysis delves into the distribution of grants and blended financing, the success rates across different stages, and the geographical spread of the winning companies.

Funding Breakdown: A Closer Look at the Allocation

In the latest funding cycle, the EIC Accelerator has supported 42 companies, showcasing a diverse range of financing options tailored to meet the varied needs of Europe’s innovators. The distribution of funding types is as follows:

  • Grant First: 12 companies (29%) were awarded grants as an initial funding step, highlighting the EIC’s flexibility in supporting early-stage innovations.
  • Blended Finance: Dominating the funding landscape, 26 companies (62%) received blended finance, combining grants and equity to provide a robust backing for ventures ready to scale up.
  • Equity Only: A single company (2%) secured equity financing, underscoring the EIC’s role in taking a stake in promising enterprises.
  • Grant Only: 3 companies (7%) received grants without the equity component, focusing on projects with specific needs that can be met with direct funding.

The Path to Success: Analyzing the Success Rates

The EIC Accelerator’s selection process is rigorous, designed to identify projects with the highest potential impact. The success rates at each stage of the application process are as follows:

  • Step 1: Approximately 70% of applicants pass this initial stage, though exact figures are not disclosed.
  • Step 2: Only 22% of projects make it through, reflecting the increasing scrutiny applications undergo.
  • Step 3: The final step sees a further narrowing, with a 17% success rate.
  • Combined Success Rates: The cumulative success rate for applicants passing through Steps 2 and 3 is a mere 3.9%, while the overall success rate across all three stages is approximately 2.7%.

Geographical Diversity: A Pan-European Impact

The latest round of funding has benefited companies from 15 different countries, showcasing the EIC Accelerator’s pan-European reach. Germany leads the pack with 7 companies funded, followed closely by France with 6, and Spain and Sweden each with 5. Other countries with successful applicants include Finland (4), Italy (3), Israel (2), Netherlands (2), Norway (2), and several others with one company each, demonstrating the EIC’s commitment to fostering innovation across the continent.


The EIC Accelerator’s latest funding results highlight the program’s critical role in supporting the European innovation ecosystem. With a total budget of €285 million, the program has backed 42 companies across a wide range of sectors and countries, underlining the diversity and potential of Europe’s technological landscape. As the EIC Accelerator continues to evolve, its impact on fostering groundbreaking projects and scaling up SMEs is undeniable, making it a cornerstone of Europe’s innovation policy.

With meticulous attention to supporting diverse financing needs, rigorous selection processes, and a commitment to geographical inclusivity, the EIC Accelerator is paving the way for a more innovative and resilient Europe. As we look forward to future rounds of funding, the results from February 2024 serve as a testament to the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit that thrives across the continent.

Funding Data

Type of Funding

  • Grant first: 12 companies (29%)
  • Blended finance: 26 companies (62%)
  • Equity only: 1 company (2%)
  • Grant only: 3 companies (7%)
  • Total: 42 Companies


  • Total Budget: €285 million

Cut-Off Date and Results

  • EIC Accelerator Step 2 cutoff date: November 8th 2023
  • Publication of results: February 28th 2024

Success Rates

  • Step 1: (approximately 70% since results are not published)
  • Step 2: 22%
  • Step 3: 17%
  • Step 2 & Step 3 combined: 3.9%
  • Step 1 & Step 2 & Step 3 combined: (approximately 2.7%)

Funded Countries

There are 15 different countries among the funded companies.

  • Germany: 7 companies
  • France: 6 companies
  • Spain: 5 companies
  • Sweden: 5 companies
  • Finland: 4 companies
  • Italy: 3 companies
  • Israel: 2 companies
  • Netherlands: 2 companies
  • Norway: 2 companies
  • Belgium: 1 company
  • Bulgaria: 1 company
  • Denmark: 1 company
  • Ireland: 1 company
  • Portugal: 1 company
  • Slovakia: 1 company

All 42 EIC Accelerator Winners from November 8th 2023

D-CRBN BVD-CRBNPlasma-based point-source CCU technology to recycle CO2 into added value chemicals to decarbonize hard- to-abate industriesBelgium2023
Smart Farm Robotix OODRoboAIweederA fully autonomous solar-powered lightweight weeding robot, using AI for plant recognition, precision
contact and contactless weeding methods suited for hard soils, hilly terrains and arid climates.
Golden Devices GmbHACTIVATINGAdditive Manufactured Automotive Antenna for Autonomous DrivingGermany2023
UniverCell Holding GmbHC2C-CSACustomized 21700 cylindrical cells for special applicationsGermany2023
FERROELECTRIC MEMORY GMBHFe-NVRAMSolving the scaling challenge of the memory industry: high-speed, low-complexity and low-cost non-volatile ferroelectric memory (Fe-NVRAM) made in EUGermany2023
QUBEDOT GMBHiSMILEiSMILE - integrated scalable microLED enginesGermany2023
Lumoview Building Analytics
LumoGen1Pioneering automated building digitisation with Lumoview for empowered decision-making in energy-
efficient building renovation
Omegga GmbHOmeggaThe world's first low-cost in-ovo sexing solution to finally end chick cullingGermany2023
O11 biomedical GmbHRESPILIQRESPILIQ - enteral CO2 absorption for the therapy of hypercapnic lung failureGermany2023
HYME STORAGE APSHYSEHYdroxide Salt Energy Storage InnovationDenmark2023
AptaTargets, S.L.ApTOLLApTOLL: An innovative neuroprotectant to reduce brain damage in Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS)Spain2023
FASTBASE SOLUTIONS SOCIEDAD LIMITADAIOO - Improving IOIOO: a novel assay to predict patient response to immune checkpoint inhibitors, optimising patient stratification to these therapies and tripling solid tumour patient outcomes in immuno-oncology.Spain2023
MIQROScalable Quantum Cryptography for Ultra-secure Communications in Metropolitan NetworksSpain2023
PlexigridPlexigrid: Plexar Operated GridsSpain2023
IQM FINLAND OYBIGQECBuilding industrial-grade quantum computers with error correction and mitigation capabilitiesFinland2023
SpinDrive OyMAGMA X100The smallest, most affordable and efficient active magnetic bearings for ultra-high-speed applicationsFinland2023
Basemark OyRocksolid ARMaking Driving Safer with Augmented realityFinland2023
VEXLUM OYSEMIQLEAPNovel Semiconductor Lasers for the Industrial Quantum LeapFinland2023
Look Up SpaceATLAS2Acceleration Towards LEO Automatic Space SafetyFrance2023
Defacto Technologies SASEmpoSoCA Paradigm Change for System-on-Chip Design to Enable Higher Performance with Lower Time-to-Market
and Cost
ION-XHYPERIONThe Most Efficient Space Propulsion Ever Put in SpaceFrance2023
QfluidicsQFLUIDICSThe first non-clogging continuous flow reactor technologyFrance2023
Pertinent eco-solutionsVERANOGroundbreaking biocontrol solutions for a resilient agricultureFrance2023
Womed SASWOMEDWOMED: an innovative intrauterine biodegradable polymer-based drug-delivery platformFrance2023
MBRYONICS LIMITEDStarCom OISLStarCom Optical Inter-Satellite Link.Ireland2023
NECTIN THERAPEUTICSNTX1088First-in-class anti-PVR mAb NTX1088 - a novel oncology drug that unlocks the power of human immune
system and revolutionizes cancer care
NovelradNVCDMinimally invasive suturing for vascular bore closure and heart defect repairIsrael2023
BETAGLUE TECHNOLOGIES S.P.A.BAT-90A Novel ‘Radiotherapy from Within’ Platform Technology for the Targeted Treatment of Solid Tumours Called ‘BAT-90’Italy2023
MOI COMPOSITES SRLCFM4IndustryContinuous Fiber Manufacturing for IndustryItaly2023
SILK BIOMATERIALS SRLKLISBioSilk fibroin tissue grafting for peripheral nerve repairItaly2023
FLASC B.V.FLASC HPESA novel Renewable Energy Storage System tailored for Offshore ApplicationsNetherlands2023
ReLifeA new life for people with severe disabling cluster headache: Neuromodulation therapy using safe, minimally-
invasive simultaneous stimulation at the front and back of the head
DoMore Diagnostics ASHistotype PxPrecision biomarker based on digital pathology and artificial intelligence to guide fast and cost-effective personalized treatment decision support for colorectal cancer patientsNorway2023
Ocean Visuals ASOWLHyper-Spectral Laser Induced Fluorescence LiDAR to detect Submerged Oil over Water in real-time on a molecular level.Norway2023
DELOX - INVESTIGACAO, PROCESSOS E EQUIPAMENTOS CIENTIFICOS, LDADeloxAirDelox Air - Continuous air bio-decontamination compatible with human presencePortugal2023
Cellfion ABCNF MembraneDevelopment and manufacturing of forest-based membranes for electrochemical energy devicesSweden2023
Compular ABCOMPULARAdvanced Simulation Software With Patented Method Optimised For Battery DevelopmentSweden2023
Millow ABMEATLOWInnovative patented dry fermentation technology for cost-effective and highly nutritious production of hybrid mycelium-plant meat analoguesSweden2023
GEDEA BIOTECH ABpHyphBreakthrough dual-action OTC tablet for treatment and prevention of both bacterial and fungal vaginitisSweden2023
QLUCORE ABQIandQDThe first IVDR-approved commercial software solutions for AI-powered RNA-based companion and precision cancer diagnostics of acute myeloid leukaemia and bladder cancerSweden2023
POWERFUL MEDICAL s. r. o.OMI AI ECG ModelOMI AI ECG Model - application for more accurate heart attack diagnosisSlovakia2023


The articles found on Rasph.com reflect the opinions of Rasph or its respective authors and in no way reflect opinions held by the European Commission (EC) or the European Innovation Council (EIC). The provided information aims to share perspectives that are valuable and can potentially inform applicants regarding grant funding schemes such as the EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition or related programs such as Innovate UK in the United Kingdom or the Small Business Innovation and Research grant (SBIR) in the United States.

The articles can also be a useful resource for other consultancies in the grant space as well as professional grant writers who are hired as freelancers or are part of a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME). The EIC Accelerator is part of Horizon Europe (2021-2027) which has recently replaced the previous framework program Horizon 2020.

This article was written by ChatEIC. ChatEIC is an EIC Accelerator assistant that can advise on the writing of proposals, discuss current trends and create insightful articles on a variety of topics. The articles written by ChatEIC can contain inaccurate or outdated information.

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Rasph - EIC Accelerator Consulting